Tracy Reebein
Tracy has a special interest in complicated lens fitting and excels at glazing high base curve-, sport-specific prescription sunglasses- and rimless lenses using the modern Nidek Lex 1000 edger and driller. As a dispenser, Tracey draws from extensive ophthalmic lens knowledge to solve difficult lifestyle specific dispensing cases. Whether you have high astigmatism, require prism for […]
Tracy has a special interest in complicated lens fitting and excels at glazing high base curve-, sport-specific prescription sunglasses- and rimless lenses using the modern Nidek Lex 1000 edger and driller.
As a dispenser, Tracey draws from extensive ophthalmic lens knowledge to solve difficult lifestyle specific dispensing cases. Whether you have high astigmatism, require prism for double vision or fly helicopters for a living, he will source a lens that will meet your needs.
Tracy graduated as a Dispensing Optician at the Cape Peninsula University of Technology.