Archive by Author

Eye test shows potential to detect early Alzheimer’s

At a recent Alzheimer’s Association International Conference (AAIC) held in July 2014 in Copenhagen, Denmark, scientists leading the advancement of research gathered to report and discuss the most current data on the cause, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of Alzheimer’s disease and related disorders. In two of the reported studies beta-amyloid plaques was identified in the [&hellip...

Eye rubbing and Keratoconus

Don’t rub your eyes!” your mother used to say. “It’s not good for you.” But then who ever listened to their mother? It seems that in recent years, science has caught up with our moms’ wisdom and some research papers are now clearly proving that eye rubbing can, in fact, damage your eye’s corneal health. […]

FDA Warns LASIK providers: Stop making false claims

In recent months LASIK refractive surgery providers in the United States came under fire from the US Food and Drug Administration. The concern is not related to the safety aspect of LASIK but rather to the incorrect perception LASIK advertising is creating in the US and internationally. If one takes into account the new Consumer […]

Anti-Inflammatory Therapy in the Treatment of Dry Eye

Dry eyes, if you have it, can be a very debilitating condition. It sounds silly to someone else when you mention you have chronic dry eyes and will part no sympathy for your ailment, but for those who have it, they know. Dry Eye Disease (DED) is more common than we think. Research done by […]

Orthokeratology, what is it?

Ortho – what? Orthokeratology is a nonsurgical procedure used to correct the refractive error of the eyes. You sleep with a specially designed Orthokeratology lens every night to reshape your eyes’ cornea (front surface of the eye). In the mornings when you wake up, the lens is removed, and you have regular, clear sight for […]

Keratoconus and Corneal Collagen Cross-Linking

Eye care has seen a massive explosion of new diagnostic instruments and treatment procedures in the last number of years. From instruments like the front and back chamber OCTs, Oculus Pentacam and Zeiss GDx to procedures like Intraocular injections to halt the progression of previously untreatable wet macular degeneration, 30 days continues wear silicone soft […]

Vision By Design 2012 Orthokeratology Meeting

The annual Orthokeratology Academy of America (OAA) meeting was held in Scottsdale, Arizona from the 19 – 22 April 2012. Eye care practitioners from all over the world came together to discuss the one topic we are all passionate about, Orthokeratology! On the Thursday, I was involved with the corneal reshaping wet lab held during […]

Fitting Multifocal Contact Lenses

Over the last five years, Optometry has seen an explosion of new contact lens materials and designs. It is now possible to fit almost anybody into a set of contact lenses if they so desire. Contact lenses used  in mainstream ten years ago are now obsolete and have been replaced with superior materials which allow […]